Step 1. Check in and complete Juror Questionnaire by clicking below on the date provided on Jury Summons.
Juror summons will provide your juror number and password. Please answer each question on questionnaire. (Note: You may use smartphone or if using desktop computer or laptop use Firefox or Chrome)
GRAND JURY Set for JANUARY 8, 2025.
Step 2: watch your Email after completion of questionnaire you will notified within 48-72 hours if you are exempt. If you are not exempt, you will receive an email from the Court Coordinator or the District Clerk with instructions on when and where to appear.
Step 3: Appear as Summoned Unless you have received an email from the Court excusing you from further participation, you must appear at the time and date listed on your juror summons. Please dress appropriately, and be prompt.
COVID19 Protocols We have taken every precaution to protect the health and safety of everyone in the Jury System. When arriving at the Courthouse and or Mallet Event Center a temperature check will be conducted and you will be screened for COVID-like symptoms before being allowed to enter the building. Masks will be available. No one who meets any of the following criteria will be granted entrance into the courthouse;
> you are experiencing or have experienced within the prior 10 days, any COVID19, cold or flu-like symptoms,
>you have within the prior 14 days been in prolonged close contact with someone with a probable or confirmed case of COVID19 and are not fully vaccinated, or
>you have been diagnosed with a probable or confirmed case of COVID19 within the prior 10 days.